Explore our innovative infrastructure solutions at DSi. We specialize in building secure, high-performance, and scalable environments. Join us to experience the future of infrastructure.
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DSi Package Flow
We believe in thoroughness and precision at each stage of our package flow, ensuring your semiconductor devices are handled with care and expertise
Securing Your Digital Oasis

We ensure your data and processes are protected against threats by building a secured and protected High-Performance Computing (HPC)

Toolchain Management

Say goodbye to toolchain chaos. We manage your tools seamlessly, so you can focus on what truly matters – innovation.

Unleash Scalability

Growth should never be a limitation. Our scalable infrastructure expands as you do, adapting to your evolving needs without a hitch.

Mastering Cost Efficiency

We've cracked the code on cost management. Enjoy high-quality infrastructure without breaking the bank.

Streamlined CI/CD

Experience a frictionless development pipeline with our Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) solutions.

Always in Control

Our administration and monitoring systems ensure peak performance and health, so you can stay focused on your goals.

Access, Tailored

Role-based access control ensures that everyone has precisely the permissions they need – no more, no less.

Licensing, Simplified

Email us for general queries, including marketing and partnership opportunities.

FPGA in the Cloud

Seamlessly integrate FPGAs into your cloud environment, opening up new possibilities for your projects.

Worldwide Connectivity

Our interconnected systems span across regions and the globe, ensuring your operations run smoothly, no matter where you are.

Tools we use

Cutting-edge Technologies and Powerful Tools for Innovative Solutions and Efficient Development.

Amazon Web Services





Serverless architecture


Cloud formation


Shell (bash, csh)



Read what we wrote

Get front-row industry insights

Chiplet Packaging: 2.5D

Chiplet Packaging: 2.5D

Robiat Rafi, IC Package Design Engineer
APB to AXI Bus Bridge

APB to AXI Bus Bridge

Ishraq Tashdid, Junior VLSI Engineer
AXI Memory Controller

AXI Memory Controller

Ishraq Tashdid, Junior VLSI Engineer

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